
As we have seen in previous chapters, MTPE involves specific skills and competences that makes it a subject on its own and, as such, its presence in studies is growing.

Recent academic research such as Kenny (2020) suggests that nor the academia nor the members of the language industry can keep up alone with the constant evolution of machine learning, which is currently the most used technology in MT.

For this reason, it is proposed that the current MTPE learning gaps should be covered by the collaboration of both industry and academia.

The analysis of the current gaps of MTPE training

Presentation of the MTPE training gaps for academia, clients, LSPs and post-editors

In this context, the focus is on the analysis of the current gaps of MTPE Training. To detect and analyze the current gaps, a set of questions with closed answers were given to the members of 3 of the groups, except for the Clients group members, who were presented two yes/no questions:
